Monday 31 March 2014

A Sacrifice bigger than Chocolate!

I am a Christian. I am also an Anglican – have been all my life. I grew up in an Anglican family. I am married to an Anglican minister. We have 4 Anglican children. We are your normal everyday family – who are Anglican…and Love God with our entire beings!
As part of our Anglican tradition, we have a time in our church year which we call the season of Lent. It is the 46 days and nights, minus the Sunday’s (so really 40) in the lead up to Easter. It is a time of preparation, a time of reflection, a time of fasting. Typically, people give up something of significance like chocolate, alcohol, social media etc or take up something like spending more time with God, volunteering in the local community, reading their bible more.
It is not a time that we gain favour with God or build up our ‘spiritual muscles’ but rather a time where we identify with the humility of our Saviour and we try to give expression to that in the journey of Christ up until his death.
So what did I give up?
Well this year, as I was praying about what I was going to give up for lent, I was in the kitchen racing around getting ready for the day. It had not been an easy week – things had been quite busy and stressful and I found myself quite tense. And in my tense state – my husband was the one who bore the brunt of that. An easy target, James is usually the one that I offload my stress onto – often through slamming cupboards, silent treatment, or even yelling. It often starts with me blaming him for a whole lot of things and taking things out on him, before I get to the part where I tell him I am sorry and that actually I am really stressed about other things in life at the time and I didn’t mean to take it out on him. Sound familiar?
God really challenged me on this in the lead up to lent. Often it is our loved ones who we hurt first. We take them for granted as they are usually in the firing line first and we know they love us and they will forgive us. But that doesn’t make it right.
So many scriptures in the bible encourage us and direct us to turn to God in the tense and stressful times - to give our burdens over to Him, to not be anxious but to pray continually, to seek Him in times of need, to call out to Him when in trouble, to stand firm on Him as our solid rock, to take shelter under His wings.
So what did I give up for Lent? I gave up yelling at James.
You might laugh and it is a little funny but also extremely challenging.
You see, in the midst of Lent, my husband has gone away for 3 weeks. You might think that this makes my Lenten promise easier with James not around. But in fact – it is so much harder. Currently I am a week and half into his absence and it has been proven that every time James goes away – lots of things happen to test me – sometimes even disasters! On a side note – it is during these times that I have developed complete respect and honour for the single parents who do it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks in a year. They are my heroes!
And it is at the end of a very long day when multiple things have happened, I am exhausted and trying to put children to bed, when James rings and starts off in a cheery voice “Hello!! How has your day been?!”
There in those moments, when I want to reach through the phone and grab him and say “Look here mate, you have no idea what my day was like so don’t give me that cheery voice!”  when God reminds me that I have made a promise.
I have made a promise not to take my husband’s love and forgiveness for granted. I have made a promise not to devalue the blessing he is to me by treating him poorly. I have made a promise to love the man that God gifted me with.
I have made a promise to rely on God for my strength. I have made a promise to rely on God to be my comfort, to be my rock, to calm me with his peace, to lead me by quiet water, to still my anxious soul and to be sheltered with His wings.
So as I am feeling the stress build up and I am wanting to rip into James on the phone as he sometimes display complete oblivion to the stresses of what comes when you are being a single parent of 4 children, studying and in ministry – I just chant in my head “Lenten promise, Lenten promise, Lenten promise!”
And then I hang up the phone and go and spend time with the one whose shoulder’s are big enough to carry my burden’s and yours….and eat chocolate... because I didn’t give that up for Lent!