Tuesday 5 August 2014

Chaos will not reign

I sit on my bed and stare at the closed door to my bedroom. My bed is beautifully made with a gorgeous black and white quilt that I love which was handmade by a lady in the church and I sit still in my pj’s on this quilt as I soak up the peace that this tidy, quiet room brings me. The beauty from my window blesses me each morning as I wake to a view of our backyard with a backdrop of the mountains of Montville. All is calm, quiet and still in that room. I can think clearly, pray peacefully and enjoy God’s presence uninterrupted.
But as I look over to the door again, I know what lies beyond it. I know the moment that I open the door to the rest of the house, chaos will reign on this Friday school morning. Two weeks with my husband away means that the kids behaviour has just been awry for the last few days as they try to push the boundaries with only one parent ruling the nest.  Everything within me cries out for order. Everything within me wants to hide and to stay within my quiet, peaceful room for the rest of the day. But life wasn’t meant to be hidden…. And I am needed beyond that quiet room….
One of my favourite places to go to relax and destress is the beach. Have you ever noticed that it is only tiny bodies of water, closed off from the ocean that are ever still? The waves crashing in from the ocean are never still. They are always rolling in and out, moving with the tides and the wind. But what lies beneath is an ordered oceanic ecosystem. Below those waves tossing about is the interaction between organisms and their environment in an ordered cycle of nature that was designed by our God.  God created order beneath the surface whilst the ocean exterior was affected by external sources causing waves, upsurges, groundswells, breakers, dumpers, or just ripples.
Genesis chapter one informs us that before the earth was formed the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface. And as the Creator formed together a world of beauty, a world of ordered ecosystems and harmony – the Spirit of God was there hovering above the order. God created order – and the Spirit hovers above the surface.
There are many external sources in our lives that cause waves, upsurges, groundswells, breakers, dumpers or ripples. And we can often feel the effect of these deep below the surface. But two things we need to remember in these times of feeling tossed around by the waves or pulled out to sea by the rips:
Firstly, God created order deep below the surface of the ocean and He creates order deep within our souls. Secondly, just as in the beginning, the Spirit hovers above us and within us as the waves crash around us. When God says “Be still and know that I am God”, he is speaking power over the chaos within you. He orders our souls to be still and know who is the God of order and peace.  As in the beginning where all He needed to do to form the creation of the world is to speak, all He needs to do to form order and peace within our souls is speak ‘be still.’ 
So I stopped for  a moment that morning in my bedroom and hear Him speak into my soul saying ‘chaos will not reign but I will reign above the chaos.’  I feel the Spirit of God hovering around me and within me. I take a deep breath, open the door…  and step out into the waves.